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The difference between European kitchen and traditional American kitchen

Time:2024-02-20 Views:0

The modern kitchen is a multi-functional area integrating cooking and meeting guests. The high-end kitchen design can fully reflect the owner's taste of life, and the choice of cabinets is a crucial link in the kitchen design. From the trend of 2020, the complex decoration and carving on the surface of the cabinet is no longer the focus of attention, and the exquisite production process, healthy and environmentally friendly materials and comfortable use are more and more favored.

According to statistics, residents of New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Philadelphia and Chicago and other cities are more inclined to choose European cabinets, especially in the Bay Area, customized in line with the overall home decoration style and personal use habits of high-end European cabinets have become the first choice for many families.

The European style is also known as contemporary style. Compared with traditional American cabinets, European cabinets hide the Frameless structure, the distance between the cabinet doors is generally less than 1/4 inch, the layout is very compact, and the space utilization rate is higher; The design of cabinet doors and drawer handles is simple and stylish, and can even be directly omitted, so that the overall shape of the kitchen is more unified and beautiful.