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Overseas Measuring Services--Deepen Cooperation&Seek Common Development

Time:2024-03-07 Views:0


Recently, our team was invited by a local construction developer in Las Vegas to visit the project site to measure the size and discuss the project.

Due to the particularity of our customized products, the accurate data determines the presentation of the final effect of the project. We measured all the railing and staircase area to make sure our products plan can be installed perfectly when they’ve been arrived at the site!



Through the accurate measurement data, we have conducted a comprehensive and detailed discussion on the cooperation projects, and have made positive progress.

In the whole visit process, the measuring team professionally and efficiently finished their work, which was highly praised by the client, Mr. Fletcher, who has been working as contractor for years in Las Vegas.


The visit not only strengthened the understanding and trust of both sides, but also laid a solid foundation for future cooperation and development, achieve the goal of mutual benefit and win-win results.